Reading Cards PM Magenta Level One

Reading Cards PM Magenta Level One


Use these reading cards to teach the sight words introduced in the PM reading series—Magenta Starters Level One.

Perfect for kindergarten guided reading, literacy centers, reading homework and group rotations. A valuable resource to help your beginning readers reach the first PM benchmark.

Build reading confidence and develop reading fluency with these easy prep cards.

I know your students will love reading these cards. Not only will they be practicing and learning the sight words introduced in the PM Starters reading series, but they will also learn to decode the simple sentences using the picture clues provided.


  • 12 Reading Cards to support PM Reading Series – Magenta Starters Level One Books.

  • 84 sentences containing ALL the sight words introduced in the Magenta Starters

  • 84 sentences with matching picture clues


  • Send home as reading homework. If one gets lost, it is so easy just to print another one.

  • In guided reading lessons as a warm-up.

  • For explicit reading instruction in literacy rotations.

  • Perfect for Daily 5 as Read to Self resources.

  • Put a set in your class library area to extend the selection of texts your students can read independently.

  • Use for morning work as an activity to settle children when your doors open in the morning.

  • For independent reading practice or for buddy reading in the Daily 5 program or literacy group rotations.

  • As an extra reading source in a literacy center.

  • Cut the cards into sentence strips for the students overwhelmed with the number of sentences on a whole card.

You will receive a .pdf file containing a set of 12 cards.

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