Rustic Number Posters

Rustic Number Posters


These rustic number posters in ALL Australian fonts illustrate the numbers 1 to 20.

Each poster has the numeral, word and ten frame. Use them as a lovely neutral display in your classroom. They could also be used as number cards during explicit teaching or as a prompt in a provocation or investigation area. My children referred to them often during their math learning.

You will receive a zipped folder of .pdf files. The folder contains files of the posters In ALL Australian fonts and also a standard elementary font.

  • Elementary font

  • Queensland Beginners font

  • New South Wales Foundation font

  • South Australian font

  • Tasmanian font

  • Victorian Modern Cursive font

    There are 2 small A5 posters to each A4 page. If you wanted them to be a smaller or larger size, you could tile the printing to have 1 or 4 posters to a page.

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