Rhyming Investigations Pack

Rhyming Investigations Pack


10 educational hands-on Rhyming activities for young students to learn and revise word families and rhyming words through play based learning. Perfect for investigation areas or literacy learning centers.

Children will read and write rhyming words, revise word families, see that rhyming words have the same ending and listen for the rhyme in words.

There are sensory tray ideas, provocation posters, ideas for your math, literacy, atelier, play dough play spaces and so much more in this comprehensive early years literacy provocations pack.


  • Writing rhyming words provocation for a math center

  • Rhyming stories and rhyming words provocation posters

  • 3 reproducible rhyming book covers for students to make rhyming books

  • 14 illustrated word family vocabulary cards

  • Play dough provocation posters

  • Play dough challenge cards

  • Rhyming stew sensory tray provocation with 16 word families

  • Rhyming Rocks sensory tray provocation

  • Rhyming treasure sensory tray provocation

  • 60 rhyming pictures to make story stones

  • Instructions to make story stones

  • Matching rhyming pictures fine motor activity

  • Drawing provocation posters and challenge cards

  • Painting provocation posters and challenge cards

  • Rhyming towers construction provocation

  • 39 rhyming word family labels for duplo or blocks

  • Feed me a rhyming word provocation with differentiated rhyming food

  • 7 BONUS reproducible recording sheets for students to record their learning about rhyme

Each provocation includes handy tips and ideas for setting up engaging investigation areas along with detailed photographs to ensure your Word Family and Rhyming learning areas and activities are quick and easy to prep.

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