Count the Days - Nature Theme

Count the Days - Nature Theme


Looking to celebrate 100 days of school this year?

Use these reggio inspired resources in a nature theme to count and record the days of school. Posters, teaching ideas and blackline masters to track the days and teach number concepts as you go.

This beautiful natural theme will compliment any calming classroom décor.


  • A Count the Days title poster.

  • Printable Sheet with Teaching Ideas.

  • 10 posters with ten frames labelled to 200.

  • 5 blackline master recording sheets which may be reproduced for students to count and record the days.

  • 3 styles of posters to record and display the running daily tally.

You will receive a .pdf file containing 20 sheets of beautiful resources to teach essential numeracy skills as you count and record your days at school.


  1. Print the pages.

  2. Laminate the posters you will use to record and display the running daily tally.

  3. No need to laminate the 10 posters with ten frames labelled to 200.


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