Loose Parts Christmas Ideas

Looking for some loose parts Christmas ideas to use in your classroom this year? In this blog post you will discover the benefits of loose parts play and how you can use loose parts to spark curiosity and learning in your classroom this Christmas.

You can use loose parts to revise all the skills you have developed this school year because loose parts play cand be integrated into all your curriculum subjects (math, literacy, science, art etc)

If you include loose parts play in your Christmas celebrations this year you will be covering so many of your learning intentions.

The Benefits of Loose Parts Play

Loose parts play has many benefits for both the child and the teacher.

In loose parts play children will observe, enquire, investigate, construct, deconstruct and engage with both others and the world around them. They will apply their knowledge and understandings to their play.

When you take on the role of an observer this Christmas, you will discover valuable information about your children and their developmental levels.

Because there are so many benefits to using loose parts in your play-based learning, I have written another blog post just on the benefits of loose parts play. If you are interested in reading it, CLICK HERE - Benefits of Loose Parts Play.

Christmas Loose Parts 

Simon Nicholson developed the theory of loose parts back in 1971. He defined loose parts as any open-ended materials which encourage creativity and exploration in children.

When you are collecting your Christmas loose parts, the key is to remember to grab loose parts which are open-ended in nature.

There are many types of Christmas loose parts. They can be natural or man-made. They should vary in size, colour, weight, texture and shape. Christmas loose parts options really are endless.

To reflect a Christmas theme, consider collecting loose parts in the traditional Christmas colours of red, green, and white. Metallic and shiny loose parts would tie into a Christmas theme too.

I have found small Christmas decorations, novelty erasers, party favours, and Christmas buttons can help to add a real festive touch to my Christmas loose parts collection.

If you would like a comprehensive Loose Parts Resources List, I have compiled a FREE downloadable list of over 150 different loose parts ideas. There are many items on this list which you could use to form a Christmas themed collection of loose parts.  CLICK HERE to download my Loose Parts Play Resources List.

When collecting your Christmas loose parts, think about your children’s developmental needs and interests. Your loose parts will be used by the children in a variety of ways and for numerous purposes.

Your children will especially love the sensory aspect of loose parts. You will be surprised how engrossed they become in their play. Children can spend long periods of time manipulating and investigating loose parts. It’s not really surprising though. Loose parts can be turned into anything their imagination allows.

Christmas Loose Parts Play Ideas

The purpose of loose parts play is to give your children the opportunity to expand their thinking and investigative play skills. This Christmas there are many ways you can include loose parts play in your classroom.

When I am planning how to incorporate loose parts into our investigation areas and our explicit teaching lessons, I consider what loose parts I have on hand and how they can be added and displayed. I also consider the needs and interests of my children and how loose parts can be used to best suit their needs.

Learning invitations using loose parts can be used in small group rotations, morning work, independent work time, play based centers, investigation areas, and for early finisher activities.

Check out this blog post – Loose Parts Play to discover in detail how you can encourage and organise your loose parts play. This blog post has quite a few tips and ideas for using loose parts all throughout the year.

Play dough is one of the most valuable loose parts you can include in your classroom. Not only at Christmas time, but ALL the year long!!

It is hands down the best tool for developing fine motor skills too. To help you out with some Christmas themed loose parts play, I have a FREEBIE for you.

These free printable loose parts mats will be a great addition to your play dough table this Christmas. Your children will not only be developing their fine motor skills, but these mats will also help to teach and consolidate number concepts to 10 as well.

If you haven’t already, sign up to my email list, so you get access to these mats and all the rest of the free printables library. You will also be notified when new blog posts and other freebies are published.

I often use printed mats and provocation prompts in our loose parts play. Printable mats and prompts can encourage and guide children so they use the loose parts to learn and practice specific learning intentions.

If you would like to keep your children on task and save yourself some planning and prep time this Christmas, you might like my easy to prep Christmas loose parts printables.

You will receive all the printables and all the ideas you need to set up some engaging Christmas themed loose parts play. This resource includes:

  • Instructions and ideas for setting up your Loose Parts areas

  • Photographs of the set ups

  • A comprehensive list of Christmas loose parts ideas

  • Instructions to tile print the resources so you can change the print-out size to suit your needs

  • 4 Provocation learning prompt posters

  • 13 pattern mats for loose parts play

  • 8 2D shape mats for loose parts play

  • 6 reproducible recording sheets in A5 size

Hands-on Christmas activities with loose parts are so easy to set up. Your children will never be bored and you will be amazed at how much they learn.

Your children will count them, sort them and use them to create patterns. They will balance and build with them, take them apart and put them back together. They will also develop their oral language and social skills when they are creating their imaginative stories and small worlds.

Loris Malaguzzi from Reggio Emelia, suggests that children have a hundred languages in which to explore, create and express themselves and loose parts are the ideal medium to allow them this expression.

If you would like to learn more about loose parts and the hundred languages of children, you might be interested in this blog post – The 100 Languages of Children.

There is no right or wrong way for children to explore and play with loose parts.

 I hope this blog post has given you some new loose parts Christmas ideas to try out in your classroom. I would really love to see your ideas and investigations so please tag me on social media @myteachingcupboard with any of your loose parts Christmas ideas!!

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