Easter Hats

At the end of Term 1 each year, our Kindergarten and Year 1 classes make Easter hats to wear at our annual junior school Easter Hat Parade. The children plan for and make their own hats, and although it can get quite messy and even a bit hectic (especially when the hot glue gun makes an appearance), this tradition at our school is something my students and I look forward to each year.


The children are always so proud to parade around our hall wearing their very own Easter hat. Each child creates a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that is carefully constructed with both determination and excitement. Parents and grandparents come in droves to watch our Easter Hat Parade. They sit around the edge of the hall clapping and waving as their child parades past.

After parading around the hall, the children all congregate on the stage to perform some well-rehearsed Easter songs – complete with cute little actions! It really is a lovely afternoon and a great way to finish our first term.

How to Make an Easter Hat

We usually start to prepare for our Easter hat parade in Week 8. That gives us nearly 2 weeks to design and finish a whole class load of hats.

I start by discussing with the children what they can expect from the process, and explain that they will be designing and independently making their very own hat. For inspiration, we all view my Easter Hat PowerPoint. You can download the Easter Hat PowerPoint we use HERE in my Free Resource Library!

This Easter PowerPoint consists of 36 slides containing pictures of all sorts of creative hats that I have sourced from all over the web. This PowerPoint is always accompanied by many “ooh’s” and “aah’s” from the children. It really builds their excitement and gets the ideas flowing.

Then we all have some quiet thinking time while we contemplate what our Easter hat is going to look like. The children begin to formulate an idea of their own hat in their minds. I then get the children to turn around and describe their ideal hat to a friend – I encourage them to think about all the small details of their planned design. My children are encouraged to give feedback to their peers on their plans. It’s important that their designs remain practical, realistic, and achievable.

Your children may benefit from asking each other the following questions:

  • Will you be able to wear and walk around in this hat?

  • Will we be able to supply the materials needed to make this hat?

  • Will you be able to make this hat independently?

Easter Hat Planning

Once the children have a clear picture of their hat in their mind, I give each child their planning sheet. On this planning sheet, each child draws a detailed picture of their hat. I encourage them to make the drawing as detailed as possible – so detailed it looks like a photo!! They must include every decorative piece they think they will need. I ask the children to colour their drawing with the exact colours they plan on using.

While they are drawing and colouring, I go around the room and interview each child. We discuss the practicalities of their design and the planned size and shape. I also make sure to note all of the materials each child will require. There’s a designated space on each child’s planning sheet for me to list the desired materials. You can download the Easter Hat planning sheet we use from my Free Resource Library HERE.

After school, I use the children’s planning sheets to compile my shopping list, and then I begin to source all the art and craft supplies they will require.

Easter Hat Making

Once I have gathered all the materials my class needs to make their Easter hats, I set up an investigation area (usually a big one) where the children can begin working on their hats.

Nearly every year there are a few children wanting to change their minds and stick something on their hats that wasn’t on their original plans – especially when they see the treasure trove of supplies and notice what their peers might be using. I tell these children that they will have to wait until all of the class hats have been completed to ensure no-one misses out on the materials they planned to use.

These children will need to wait to see if the supplies they wanted are available. Sometimes they get to use the leftover supplies, sometimes they have to miss out, and sometimes they forget about it altogether!


It usually takes us just over a week to get every hat completed to the satisfaction of each little creative genius. Sometimes it’s a mad rush and we are still finishing off hats the day before the parade!

But it’s such an exciting time and heaps of fun for all the children, and I just love seeing their proud little faces as we enter the school hall on that last day of term.

If you are looking for some engaging Easter Worksheets to keep your students on task and learning while you help some of your other children with their Easter hats, you might be interested in these fun Easter worksheets.

They are perfect to keep your kids learning during all the exciting Easter craziness. Check out these 32 Easter Math Worksheets - your class will LOVE them!

32 Easter Worksheets for Kindergarten

Make Easter Math Easy & Fun with No-Prep Printables

Easter is an exciting time in the classroom, but keeping your students engaged  AND still covering all those essential math skills can be a challenge... especially when you’re exhausted at the end of Term 1.

With these fun Easter worksheets, you’ll have print-and-go activities that are zero prep, stress-free, and super educational. 

Say goodbye to wasted time searching for meaningful resources and enjoy some purposeful Easter-themed learning fun!

Perfect for busy teachers who need low-prep Easter math activities that actually teach and revise important concepts.

These Easter printables for kindergarten help you celebrate the season while keeping students focused and learning.

Save Time and Keep the Learning on Track

You don’t have time for complicated lesson plans or last-minute prep at this time of year! 

These no-prep Easter math worksheets make your life a whole lot easier by:

  • Saving time – Just print and go with these no prep activities! No cutting, laminating, or extra materials needed.

  • Providing a fun way to reinforce number concepts, sorting, patterning, and all your term 1 math learning.

  • Keeping students engaged with Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, and math challenges.

  • Offering flexibility – Use for whole-class instruction, math centers, early finishers, or homework.

  • Helping younger children feel successful with a mix of hands-on activities, fine motor skills practice, and independent work.

These printable worksheets will help you feel prepared and organised, so you can focus on teaching instead of planning and prep.

The Best No-Prep Easter Activity for Engagement

Teachers love these Easter Math Worksheets for Kindergarten because they provide:
⭐ Instant learning with no setup – Just print and use.
⭐ Versatility – Great for whole-class work, small groups, or independent practice.
Educational value – More than just cute Easter themes - these build and revise real math skills.

Young children stay engaged because they love the fun Easter activities (like an Easter egg number hunt, colourful eggs for patterning, and bunny-themed counting games).

The Easter printables for kindergarten in this pack instantly provide meaningful learning while reducing prep time, so you can enjoy this Easter season without all the stress.

These Easter Themed Worksheets for Kindergarten Contain:

  • 2 Printable Title Cover Pages - So you can turn the worksheets into Easter Books. Versions to make both an Easter Maths Book and an Easter Number Book

  • 2 Patterning Worksheets - Continue and create AB, AAB & ABC patterns

  • 2 Sorting Worksheets - Sort by size and by colour

  • Long & Short Worksheet - Using direct comparison

  • Days of the Week Cut and Paste Activity Worksheet - Trace the names, cut and paste in order

  • 2 Data Collection Worksheets - Yes/no questions and data collection on the Easter bunny and chocolate eggs

  • Colour by Shape Easter Basket Worksheet - With rectangles, triangles, circles, squares, ovals, pentagons and hexagons

  • 2D Shape Drawing Worksheet - Draw creative Easter themed pictures using a circle and a square. So much fun!

  • Subitising & Matching Numbers to 10 Worksheet - A fun easter egg cut and paste avtivity.

  • Find & Count Hidden Pictures to 10 Worksheet - For numbers up to 10.

  • 3 Colouring to Ten Worksheets - In this Easter math activity, students colour the Easter pictures in ten frames.

  • 3 Easter Dot-to-Dots Worksheets - Joining the dots from 1 to 9 and 1 to 10.

  • Missing Numbers to 10 Worksheets - Students write in the missing numbers on Easter bunnies and Easter eggs.

  • 2 Number Mazes - Students order numbers to 10 to find their way through the maze.

  • Colour by Number Worksheet - Featuring numbers 3 to 8.

  • Ordering Numbers to 10 Worksheet - Students cut and paste the numbered Easter bunnies.

  • 10 Worksheets for Number Representation – Students represent the Numbers 1-10 in numerals, words and on a ten frame and a numberline. Each Number has its own worksheet page to equal pages of fun!

Full of heaps of various activities and creative ideas your kindergarten kids will LOVE!

How to Use These Fun Easter Worksheets for Kindergarten

My Easter math printables are perfect for:

  • Whole-class revision activities – Reinforce learning in a fun way before the Easter break.

  • Math center activities – Perfect for hands-on learning and skill-building.

  • Early finishers – Keep students engaged with easy no-prep Easter activities.

  • Morning work or independent practice – A fun start to the day.

  • Homework or take-home packs – Support learning at home with easy-to-follow printables.

  • Math Intervention groups – Provides fun activities and extra practice in a low-pressure setting.

  • Wet weather or last-minute lesson plans – When you need something quick and effective!

This ready-to-go set of 32 Easter-themed worksheets (in a pdf file) are a great way to engage your students while keeping them on-task and learning right up until the Easter break.

Just print and watch your students stay focused, excited, and learning - without any extra work for you.

Easily Celebrate Easter AND Keep the Learning Happening

With these fun Easter worksheets, you can instantly provide fun AND educational activities to your kindergarten students! Without the stress of prepping heaps of new materials. 🙌

Download your Easter Math Printables now and make your end-of-term a breeze! 

You might also be interested in another blog post I have written on some Easter themed Math investigation areas you can set up in your classroom. Click HERE to read the Easter Math Ideas For Play Based Learning Blog Post.

I also have an Easter Activities Pinterest board you might like to follow. On this board I pin fun classroom Easter activities for kindergarten, preschool and first grade.

How about you? Do your children make their own Easter Hats at your school? If not, how does your class like to celebrate the end of the term? Drop me a comment down below because I’d love to know.

If you like this blog post on Easter hats and have got some ideas and inspiration for making Easter hats in your classroom this year, please consider sharing it...

Just CLICK the sharing box below.👇