Discover how to run a successful daily morning meeting in kindergarten! Learn morning meeting activities, ideas, and tips to create engaging routines that foster classroom community, support student learning, and start your school day right.
Discover practical first day of kindergarten activities, tips for managing those first-day jitters, and ideas to build relationships, establish routines, and create a welcoming classroom community. You can also download my free resources to make your first day stress-free!
Discover essential play-based learning strategies for Prep or Foundation stage classrooms. Learn how to foster curiosity, meet curriculum goals, and create engaging play-rich environments with my tips and free guide.
Make the first week of grade one a success! Discover practical tips, engaging activities, and flexible plans to build your classroom community, establish consistent routines, and feel confident knowing your first week of school planning is done.
Discover how to create a balanced kindergarten daily schedule that combines play-based learning with explicit teaching. Get tips, practical ideas, and a free editable planning template to keep your students engaged and meeting curriculum goals!
What is the difference between kindergarten centers and investigation areas? Discover tips, strategies, and examples for both and create engaging learning areas that meet curriculum goals through hands-on learning.
Discover how inquiry-based learning can transform your early childhood classroom by fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and deeper student engagement. Learn how this inquiry-based approach complements a play-based pedagogy and create a more engaging learning environment.
Discover why reflection time is a vital part of a play-based classroom. Learn how to implement Walker Learning reflection strategies to connect play with curriculum and support student growth.
Discover the benefits of hands-on learning in early childhood education and learn how to effectively incorporate hands-on activities and resources into your teaching practice.
Discover the transformative power of loose parts play in early childhood education and download my comprehensive FREE Guide to Loose Parts Play. Learn how to use natural and recycled materials to develop creativity, problem-solving, and more in your play-based classroom.